The Confident Connector™:

How to Build Your Must-Have Professional Network in an Era of Job Insecurity

Introducing The New Rules of Connecting and Building Your Professional Network  
What is The Confident Connector™? 
The Confident Connector™ is A SHORTCUT
Introducing The New Rules of Connecting and Building Your Professional Network  
For executives, teams, and innovators, The Confident Connector™, is a clear and concise framework which leverages Christy’s career as a networker, connector, and adventurer.  Christy uses an authentic and experienced perspective to share her expertise in connecting people and building strong relationships.  She seamlessly blends her naturally introverted perspective with powerful techniques to inspire others to move past their fears and build a dynamic network that fulfills their aspirations.   

The Confident Connector™ is a hands-on approach, complete with real-world examples, strategies, and testimonials, to inspire and energize those who are new to networking and those who are looking to up their networking game.  
In it, you’ll discover… 
  • A unique and transformative model to make networking easy and fun. 
  • Tactics to master a mindset that moves you out of your head and past your fears to confidently create valuable relationships. 
  • Skills to manage your emotions when connecting with new people. 
  •  An exciting new methodology, The Three Pillars of Career Development, to build your career in a job market of continuous upheaval and within a shift to the gig economy. 
  •  A step-by-step playbook with smart, practical tools that allow readers to easily master the skills of networking. 
  • Templates and vital communication principles that provide the fastest and easiest way to successfully connect.  
  • Key strategies from expert connectors on how to become a successful connector and a trusted voice in your community.
Connector Evolution
        Listen to Connect Model
Three Pillars of Career Development
Praise for The Confident Connector™
“To fulfill big aspirations, we develop critical relationships, invest in others, and build authentic communities. Success is a ‘team sport’ that is achieved through thoughtful engagement and collaboration with the people around us. The Confident Connector provides a valuable framework to guide our networking efforts so that we may bring our dreams to life.”  
Andy Wilson
Executive Director, Alliance for Southern California Innovation, and Cofounder, Innovate Pasadena 
“Christy Conner has pulled off an impressive feat with The Confident Connector. It combines both insightful mindset advice and a practical project manual for networking and connecting. Her approach applies to both introverts and extroverts, both new networkers and those with plenty of experience. There are lessons here that will improve on all the training I’ve been blessed with in the past. To top it off, this is a quick, fun read. So here’s some advice –get started. Highly recommended!”  
Julie-ann Pina
Caltech Entrepreneurs Forum Executive Committee, Pasadena Angel, and Managing Partner, CFOrganizers 
“Christy Conner has led an extraordinarily interesting and adventurous life, and from it, she developed the courage to overcome her introverted shyness and learn how to not only connect with others, but to connect others in a way that uplifts and creates entire communities. The core concept that building networks starts with actively listening is so powerful, but often overlooked as a needed skill and valuable trait. The entire ‘Connect’ section of this book has such smart, practical steps, including sample questions to take into any networking situation and answers to questions you might be asked, that I will be using these techniques at the very next event I go to.”  
Valerie Alexander
Tech CEO, Amazon #1-selling author, TEDx speaker, Screenwriter 
“If the idea of networking makes you nervous, this book is for you. The author is an introvert who understands how difficult networking can be. You’ll get a structured plan for specific actions to take before, during, and after meetings to help reduce your awkwardness in networking situations. The author uses her personal stories as well as examples from people she’s met to illustrate how you can overcome your fears and get the most out of networking.”  
Laura Browne
Corporate trainer, business coach, and author of A Salary Cinderella Story (Or How to Make More Money Without a Fairy Godmother) 
The Confident Connector covers a topic that is so timely. We have so many tools now at our disposal for networking, but that doesn’t mean we know how to take advantage of them. Christy Conner bridges this for the reader, whether they be a 20-something Millennial or a 70-something silver surfer.
Jay Goss
Venture Capitalist and General Partner, Wavemaker Three-Sixty Health 
“Conner offers recommendations for how to look at building a career, at any experience level. Her book describes a wide range of situations and techniques to handle each. You’ll come away with a framework for personal growth and ways to get connected.”
Paul Orlando
Director, USC Incubator, and author of Startup Sacrilege 
“Such a deep and insightful guide – Christy’s experiences and genuine nature make her the perfect Spokeswoman/Coach for any of us (me included) who have learned to appreciate and rely on those before us to get through the countless obstacles of work life. Many jobs and years will pass but your connections can create awesome relationships that remain regardless of your title.”  
Natalie Griego-Pavon
VP, Managed Services, Deloitte & Touche   
“Christy hits all the right notes in sharing her networking wisdom. This book should be an invaluable resource to people just venturing into building their own networks. From learning to overcoming being an introvert to mastering the skills of consistency in their networking activities, readers will find this is one book they will cover in Post-its to refer to frequently. Well done!” 
Matt Crowley
Venture and M&A lawyer, and author of Getting in the Game: Guiding Your Startup Through the World of Venture Capital 
“Networking in a competitive job world is imperative to career success. You really never know where your next job will come from. When you take the time to build your professional network, opportunities will open up. In her book, The Confident Connector, networking expert Christy Conner not only lays out the why of building professional relationships, she shows us the how, too. And she prepares us to be confident throughout the process. If you are looking to advance your career, you’ll want to read Christy’s book. I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.” 
Jody B. Miller
CEO, TEDx Speaker, Bestselling Author of Drift to SHIFT and The MISOGI Method 
Benefits Of The Confident Connector™
“Grow your network without hesitation, fear, or anxiety”
With The Confident Connector™, readers can overcome their individual fears of, and get the most out of, networking.
Through reading this book, natural introverts (like Christy) learn techniques to move past their introverted shyness and remove the awkwardness and social anxiety that can come from meeting new people while extroverts learn to become more effective listeners and relationship builders.

Not only will you learn strategies to connect with others, but also to connect others in a way that uplifts and creates entire communities.   
Learn Valuable Tips 
from these Connectors:  
An executive strategist with over twenty years of experience in marketing, community, and business development in media and entertainment, Aaron is also the founding director of Startup Grind Pasadena, a board member of Innovate Pasadena, and a minister.
Fear of meeting new people
How to manage stress and social anxiety when Networking 
Fear of not having confidence when meeting someone new 
The anxiety of starting a conversation with a new connection   
Chapter: Clear out the obstacles 
• Explore where the fear and anxiety come from and take steps to move past them
Chapter: Clear out the obstacles 
• Learn tips to manage emotions and utilize mindfulness to combat moments of anxiety
Chapter: Create you
• Find your authentic voice.  Learn which questions to ask and how to comfortably respond
Chapters:  Listen and Communicate
• Actions to communicate and listen effectively move past the initial awkwardness and into conversing with ease
With seventeen years of vocal coaching experience and thirty years as a professional performing artist under her belt, Adjoa was voted one of the top 2016 vocal coaches in Los Angeles by the readers of Backstage magazine. She helps people find their voice. 
A growth hacker, technology innovator, and cybersecurity specialist, Brandee is a leader in innovation, with a diverse professional background. She is able to create valuable cross-sector collaborations and thriving communities. 
“Because these days, a job is temporary, but a network is forever”
“Network development builds the relationships that enhance and propel your career in new directions”
With the job market in continuous upheaval and within a shift to the gig economy, this book covers a topic that is critical for job seekers and those entering the job market.  
The Three Pillars of Career Development outlines the key career aspects of growing and connecting with others: evolving your career strategy, continuously upskilling your professional development along your career path, and building your network and relationships. 
Incorporating networking into your career development opens doors to new opportunities.  Throughout The Confident Connector™, you will learn techniques to develop a network that can positively impact your career, at any experience level, and methods to successfully handle a wide range of social and networking situations.  
Builder of four management consulting businesses, Chris now leads Bridge Builder Coaching. He gives his time and talents coaching military veterans and business executives through tough transitions in their lives.
CEO of North Star Alliances and founder of The Movement, Ernesto connects businesses, civic leaders, and influencers to generate new revenue opportunities. He is a community builder who puts friendship as the cornerstone of his network. 
Understanding how a network can impact your career 
Why should I network?  
Who should I network with?   
Section: Three Pillars of Career Development
• Learn the importance of networking within your career development 
Chapter: Chart your strategy
• Align benefits of networking to your goals
Chapter: Chart your strategy
• Determine which relationships inspire you 
• Tips to find your tribe 
(aka “The Tech Guy”) 
CEO of North Star Alliances and founder of The Movement, Ernesto connects businesses, civic leaders, and influencers to generate new revenue opportunities. He is a community builder who puts friendship as the cornerstone of his network. 
“Think of connecting as part of your ‘fitness’ plan for professional and personal development.”
Readers of the book learn a framework for personal and professional growth and ways to build relationships with friends, colleagues, and potential new connections.  In it, you will also learn smart, practical steps that allow you to master the skills of consistency in networking activities, with sample questions to take into any networking situation – including networking questions you might be asked yourself! 
Exercises involve preparation activities to enhance your ability to listen to others and optimize your communications skills for others to hear you effectively. Equally important, readers learn ways to be emotionally present and tactically generous. 
In the accompanying workbook, you will find networking exercises which support the entire framework.  Readers receive a structured plan for specific actions to take before, during, and after meetings to promote confidence and help reduce awkwardness in networking situations.  
As Executive Director of TEDxPasadena and Words2Action, Heather has a passion for learning and love of relationship-building. She utilizes these talents to impact the greater community and change the world, one idea at a time. 
Jack designs and implements projects with Waves For Water, a nonprofit that works on the front line to provide clean water to communities in need around the world. Solutions include point-of-use portable water filters, rainwater harvesting, well drilling, and restorations.
I don’t understand the process of networking 
I don’t have time to connect with others
I don’t have the tools and  materials I need to network effectively  
I don’t know what to do after I meet someone new
How can I enhance and speed up my learning? 
Chapter: Listen to Connect Model 
• Review the simple framework to master networking
Chapter: Clear out the obstacles 
• Learn how to carve out time in your schedule and create your “fitness” plan for connecting with others
Chapter: Create you
• Do you need a networking mentor or a wingperson to help you along your networking journey? Discover the materials, tools, and tips to help you succeed
Chapter: Collaborate and follow up
• Learn from the structured process and communication outlines in the book which make following up easy 
Book + Workbook
• Step-by-step guidance with activities, stories, and inspiration to help get you on your path to building valuable relationships quickly 
• The workbook is all about YOU and is designed to help YOU 
A super-connector and trusted advisor to the C-Suite of Fortune 1000 companies, Jeff brings his extensive success and expertise in vendor tradecraft and spend visibility, which enables companies to operate at an optimal level.
As Vice President of Executive Engagement at McDermott & Bull, Matt leads the firm’s prestigious Executive Network. He and his team produce 300+ events a year focused on career and relationship building for the 9,500+ senior-level executive members of the network.      
“Relationships drive everything.” – Ernesto Morales
The Confident Connector™ is an invaluable resource for people newly venturing into building networks and to those who have been looking for ways to increase the scale of their existing network.  Networking provides an opportunity to give, to expand listening and communication skills, to overcome insecurities, and to provide exposure to different ideas.  
The book starts with actively listening, which is a critically powerful introduction to becoming a Confident Connector™. 
Chapter by chapter, readers are provided keys to becoming a trusted voice in their community. You start by defining why you want to connect, and take clear, focused steps throughout your journey.   
Nick was a series producer of National Geographic Television’s critically acclaimed series, Border Wars. He now teaches mindfulness to TV production companies and high-tech startups, as well as law enforcement and inmates inside the criminal justice system.     
Tania is an aspiring polymath, global citizen, and idea generator. She creates communities that thrive, including Epic LA, a series of live talks that brings together entrepreneurs, leaders, and visionaries. 
I don’t know how to grow the relationships in my network   
How do I continue to motivate myself to network?     
How can I become a connector?   
Chapter: Cultivate you and others 
• Communication and introduction templates to move your relationships to the next level
Chapter: Chart your strategy and Celebrate. You did it!
• Determine what you will get out of networking, your goals, and how to reward yourself to encourage motivation 
• Gamify your networking 
Chapter: Connect
• Learn key strategies from expert connectors on how to become a connector and a trusted voice in your community
About The Author 
Christy Conner is a driver of greater Los Angeles's innovative technology arena.  She is a co-organizer of Friday Coffee Meetup, the largest active entrepreneurial and tech innovation group in Los Angeles, with more than 6,000 members.  
In The Confident Connector™, Christy enthusiastically shares strategies with readers to on how to build strong and authentic relationships.  She seamlessly blends her perspective as a natural introvert with powerful techniques to inspire others to move past their fears and build a dynamic network that fulfills their aspirations. 
Christy’s professional experience, global interests, and a light backpack have taken her to over fifty countries. Her career spans six business sectors, fourteen companies, and eighteen roles in nine departments.  She has taught as an instructor of change management on five continents.  It is from this unique vantage point that her grit and empathic leadership has been honed. Utilizing this global perspective coupled with local insights, she writes on leading-edge business topics that help companies work smarter and drive revenue.   
She earned her private pilot’s license and went on to obtain a BS in Aviation Business Administration from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  She has an MA in International Relations from the University of Southern California (USC). 

Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Book

“Full of actionable insights and lessons, The Confident Connector gives you the keys to becoming a trusted voice in your community.”   
Ryan Williams, CEO and author of The Influencer Economy 


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